Let's Work Together

This is a volunteer organization and there are many ways you can help:
Help with ice installation
Help prepare the ice for leagues
Volunteer at bonspiels (numerous ways)
Help with Juniors on Saturdays
Donate food or money for bonspiels
Sell extra calendars
Help with High School program
Clean or vacuum when you see it needs it
Load and empty dishwasher
Take out the trash
Like most curling clubs, we rely heavily on volunteers for many things. From making and maintaining the ice, to the bonspiels that we host throughout the season, none of these would be possible without the dedication of our club members. Volunteerism is what makes our club what it is today. Without your participation outside of league play, hosting fundraisers (bonspiels) would not be possible. These events bring significant income to the club, which helps to keep our expenses in check and keep our dues manageable.
We instituted the use of an app called Track it Forward https://www.trackitforward.com. With this app, we learned that it takes at least1,400 volunteer hours to run the club. Based on current membership levels, that equates to roughly 10 volunteer hours per member. Therefore, we have made adjustments to how those hours can be fulfilled going forward. Our Bonspiels are of greatest importance. Our largest fundraisers, the Men’s Bourbon Spiel (December 8-10) and the 5 and Under Bonspiel (February 9-11), bring more than $9,000 into our club each year, that would otherwise need to be made up by member dues. We cannot afford to lose these events so let’s give our bonspiel chairs our full support!
This season, you will be asked to choose one of the following three options when you fill out your waiver and pay your dues…
Volunteer 10 hours around the club. Activities could include making ice, serving on committees, helping at bonspiels (ice crew, kitchen staff, officiating, seeking raffle prizes, etc.)You can find events on our calendar page. Our Volunteer Hours Binders will allow you to log your hours. We will track hours for all members so please fill them out each time you volunteer, whether you choose this option or not.
Sell 10 additional calendars. Choosing this option will mean that your packet will contain fifteen (15) calendars to sell instead of the original five (5).
Donate $100. This can be a monetary donation or buying requested item's/food for our events.